
A taxonomy is a hierarchical classification of items in a collection. A taxonomy is made up of a tree of categories from the more general at the root of the taxonomy to the more specific at the leaves of the taxonomy. Here is a simple abbreviated example of a taxonomy of US locations:

Sample US Location Taxonomy

In the example the taxonomy is called “Location” and it consists of categories such as “Continental US” and “Florida”.

An item classified in a category in a taxonomy is a member of that category and all of that category’s parents. As an illustrative example, imagine an item, “Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence”, classified with the category “North Carolina”. It’s also a member of “South East”, “Continental US” and the “Location” taxonomy as a whole.

Sample Item in US Location Taxonomy

With Falkland CMS, it is typical to have multiple orthogonal taxonomies categorizing the items in a collection.

In addition to being classified in multiple different taxonomies, items can also be categorized in more than 1 category in the same taxonomy. In fact, as has been pointed out above, it is rare for items to be categorized in just one category in a taxonomy since they are members of their categories’ parent categories as well.

Categories have a slug and a path. The category slug must follow all the standard rules for slugs in Falkland-CMS and must be unique to all other categories at the same level and location in the same taxonomy. The path to a category is made up of the collection, the taxonomy slug, all the parent slugs and finally the category slug. In our sample taxonomy for example, the slug for the “North Carolina” category is “north-carolina” and the path is:


Listing items at the path above means the “Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence” will be listed since it is classified in the “North Carolina” category, and listing the items in the following paths would also include the “Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence”:

  • /founding-documents/location/continental-us/south-east/
  • /founding-documents/location/continental-us/
  • /founding-documents/location/
  • /founding-documents/

Some examples of taxonomies:

  • type of media
  • type of document
  • geographic location
  • topic
  • time period
  • biological classification
  • chemical classification
  • Dewey Decimal Classification
  • folk taxonomies

There is an extensive list of taxonomies at the Taxonomy Warehouse.

The categories in a taxonomy are represented as name/value pairs with the name being the category slug and the value being the category name. The structure of the taxonomy is represented as name/value pairs with the name being the word “categories” and the value being an array of categories.

Here is a fragmentary example of the JSON representation of the sample taxonomy depicted above:

  "description":"US Location",
  "categories": [
        {"continental-us": "Continental US", "categories": [
                {"north-east": "North East"},
                {"south-east": "South East", "categories": [
                        {"florida": "Florida"},
                        {"georgia": "Georgia"},
                        {"north-carolina": "North Carolina"},
                        {"south-carolina": "South Carolina"},
                        {"tennessee": "Tennessee"},
                        {"alabama": "Alabama"}
                {"midwest": "Midwest"},
                {"south": "South"},
                {"southwest": "Southwest"},
                {"west": "West"}]},
        {"non-continental-us": "Outiside Continental US"}

Here is complete example of the entire JSON representation of a taxonomy:

  "categories": [
                {"natural-history" : "Natural History", "categories": [
                {"flora": "Flora"},
                        {"insects": "Insects"},
                        {"fishes": "Fishes"},
                        {"birds": "Birds", "categories": [
                                {"penguins": "Penguins"}
                        {"mammals": "Mammals"}]},
                {"pre-20th-century-history": "Pre-20th Century History", "categories": [
                {"naval": "Naval"},
                        {"legal-political": "Legal / Political"},
                        {"darwin": "Charles Darwin"}
                {"modern-history": "Modern History", "categories": [
                        {"naval": "Naval"},
                        {"legal-political": "Legal / Political"}
                {"military-history": "Military History", "categories": [
                        {"ww1": "World War I"},
                        {"ww2": "WW II History"},
                        {"1982": "1982 Falklands War", "categories": [
                                {"political": "Political", "categories": [
                                        {"thatcher": "Margaret Thatcher"}
                                {"naval": "Naval", "categories": [
                                        {"uk": "UK", "categories": [
                                                {"sheffield": "HMS Sheffield"},
                                                {"invincible": "HMS Invincible"},
                                                {"hermes": "HMS Hermes"},
                                                {"conqueror": "HMS Conqueror"},
                                                {"canberra": "SS Canberra"},
                                                {"qe2": "HMS Queen Elizabeth 2"},
                                                {"galahad-tristram": "RFA Sir Galahad & RFA Sir Tristram"}
                                        {"argentina": "Argentina", "categories": [
                                                {"belgrano": "ARA General Belgrano"}
                                {"air": "Air", "categories": [
                                        {"uk": "UK", "categories": [
                                                {"harrier": "Harrier"},
                                                {"Vulcan": "Vulcan"}
                                        {"argentina": "Argentina"}]},
                                {"ground": "Ground", "categories": [
                                        {"uk": "UK", "categories": [
                                                {"3-commando": "3 Commando Brigade", "categories": [
                                                {"sas": "SAS"},
                                                        {"40-commando": "40 Commando, Royal Marines"},
                                                        {"42-commando": "42 Commando, Royal Marines"},
                                                        {"45-commando": "45 Commando, Royal Marines"},
                                                        {"2-para": "2nd Battalion, Parachute Regiment"},
                                                        {"3-para": "3rd Battalion, Parachute Regiment"}
                                                {"5-infantry": "5th Infantry Brigade",  "categories": [
                                                        {"welsh-guards": "Welsh Guards"},
                                                        {"scots-guards": "Scots Guards"},
                                                        {"gurkhas": "Gurkta Rifles"}
                                        {"argentina": "Argentian"}
                                {"Civilian": "civilian"}
        {"society": "Society", "categories": [
                {"people": "People"},
                {"sports": "Sports"},
                {"food": "Food"},
                {"industry": "Industry", "categories": [
                        {"agriculture": "Agriculture"},
                          {"fisheries": "Fisheries"},
                          {"hydrocarbons": "Oil & Gas"}
                {"government": "Government", "categories": [
                        {"constitution": "Constitution"},
                        {"legislative-assembly": "Legislative Assembly", "categories": [
                                {"executive-council": "Executive Council"}
                        {"judiciary": "Judiciary"},
                        {"police": "Police"},
                        {"governor": "Governor"}
                {"tourism": "Tourism", "categories": [
                        {"lodging": "Lodging"},
                        {"tours": "Tours"},
                                {"guides": "Guides"}
        {"fiction": "Fiction"}
         "name": "Topics"
         "name": "Natural History"
         "name": "Modern History"
         "name": "Militiary History"
         "name": "Society"
         "name": "Fiction"

List Taxonomies

List all the taxonomies in a collection.


Get a Taxonomy

Get a particular taxonomy.


GET /:collection-slug/:taxonomy-slug


  • Accept: application/vnd.fcms.taxonomy+json;version=1
  • Accept-Charset: utf-8


curl -i --header "Accept: application/vnd.fcms.taxonomy+json;version=1" --header "Accept-Charset: utf-8" -X GET http://{host:port}/founding-documents/location


The response has a complete JSON representation of the taxonomy which contains the hierarchical structure of the categories in the taxonomy, links to available actions on the taxonomy, a reverse link to the collection containing the taxonomy, and links to listings items categorized in the taxonomy.


  • 200: OK
  • 404: collection or taxonomy was not found


  "description":"US Location",
  "categories": [
        {"continental-us": "Continental US", "categories": [
                {"north-east": "North East"},
                {"south-east": "South East", "categories": [
                        {"florida": "Florida"},
                        {"georgia": "Georgia"},
                        {"north-carolina": "North Carolina"},
                        {"south-carolina": "South Carolina"},
                        {"tennessee": "Tennessee"},
                        {"alabama": "Alabama"}
                {"midwest": "Midwest"},
                {"south": "South"},
                {"southwest": "Southwest"},
                {"west": "West"}]},
        {"non-continental-us": "Outiside Continental US"}
         "name": "Topics"
         "name": "Continental US"
         "name": "Outside Continental US"

Create a Taxonomy

Create a new taxonomy in a collection.


Update a Taxonomy

Update an existing taxonomy.


Delete a Taxonomy

Delete an existing taxonomy.


DELETE /:collection-slug/:taxonomy-slug


curl -i -X DELETE http://{host:port}/founding-documents/location


There is no response body, just a status.


  • 204: deleted
  • 404: collection or taxonomy was not found