Falkland CMS Hypermedia API

This is the documentation for using the Falkland CMS Hypermedia (REST) API.

Falkland CMS supports a Hypermedia (RESTful) API that can be used from any programming language to access all the capabilities of Falkland CMS.

The intent of this API is to be a true REST API in the full-fledged Roy Fielding, HATEOAS style. You can help with that by pointing out anything you perceive as a deviation.


The example API calls in this documentation are provided in cURL. When exploring the API feel free to use cURL, the HTTP client of your choice, or the programming language you’re most comfortable in. It should be simple to convert the cURL example to your own preferred HTTP client.

Request Headers

Provide the custom Internet media type (formerly MIME type) saying you want Falkland CMS JSON data and the version of the API you are using in the header of your API requests.

Accept: application/vnd.fcms.{type} +json;version=version

Example: Accept: aapplication/vnd.fcms.item+json;version=1

The version of the API resource you want is determined by the Accept header that you pass in the request. If no version is provided, it is assumed you want the latest version.

API Security




Access Control



These resources are available in Falkland CMS:

  • Collection: a group of curated items, a Falkland CMS system can have one or more collections
  • Item: a single entry in a collection. An item is not itself THE member of the collection, but is a pointer TO the member of the collection.
  • Taxonomy: - a hierarchical categorization of items in a collection, collections typically have multiple independent taxonomies


Each of these resources has a slug that’s used when referring to the resource in a URL. A slug is just a unique identifier that’s suitable for use in a URL. Slugs in Falkland CMS are:

  • alphanumeric (no white space, unicode or special characters)
  • lower case
  • internally separated by a single dash
  • without a prefixed or trailing dash
  • 256 characters or less

An example of a slug is: the-amazing-amphibious-fish

You don’t need to be overly concerned about these rules as Falkland CMS always gives you the option of having the slug generated from the resource’s name.

All items must have unique slugs that do not conflict with other items in the same collection since they operate in the same namespace: /:collection-slug/:item-slug

Similarly all taxonomies must have unique slugs that do not conflict with other taxonomies in the same collection since they operate in the same namespace: /:collection-slug/:taxonomy-slug

As you would expect, all collections must have unique slugs as well that do not conflict with other collections.

Category slugs are more flexible and only need to be unique with other categories at their same level in the same taxonomy. So the following examples where different categories share the same slug (“online” and “physical-media”) in the same taxonomy are perfectly fine:

  • /mudskippers/type/video/physical-media
  • /mudskippers/type/video/online
  • /mudskippers/type/book/physical-media
  • /mudskippers/type/book/online